Monday 8 November 2021

Dear you,

It seems like my brain isn’t working today, which makes everything harder to understand. I am pushing against the inside of a cube that I am stuck in, but the sides aren’t moving. Like I said once, I zipped myself up in the sleeping back of myself, but inside it wasn’t a nice place either. It’s kind of like that, although I don’t think I brought the six walls in on myself. I am quite used to looking at square shapes, or rectangles, in my zoom classes. They look so small when you click ‘gallery view’, but you can see so much life in those shapes. I always wonder what is happening right on the outside of the shapes, but you can never see, unless someone moves their laptop screen and the camera moves as well. It rains a lot in this city, so when the sun comes out, it feels like it’s time to celebrate. Although, whenever I see blue skies I just think of the opportunities I am missing by being inside. It’s cold out there today but it does look nice. This apartment is just one big room with one door, and that feels like another layer of sides of the cube which I am pushing against. 

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